Making Pasta from Scratch!

Making homemade pasta has been on my goals list for years!

I recently checked off this goal from my list and I can not believe it took me so long.

Crazy Bakey Things is a local baker who hosts cooking classes- this class was held mothers day weekend on the campus of Lowe Mill inside the restaurant Happy Tummy.

It is actually a simple recipe with simple directions, but the outcome is delicious and a skill I can now pass down to my children.


4 eggs

2- 1/2 Cups Unbleached all purpose flour

2 tsps of extra virgin olive oil

*Egg Pasta Recipe from Crazy Bakey Things

On a clean, dry surface pour flour into a pile and make a well in the center. Pour beaten eggs into the center and slowly work the eggs into the dry mix until flour and eggs are one doughy mixture.

8 Minutes of kneading and working the dough. Use your knuckles and the palm of your hand to help you get the strain off of your hands.

Let dough rest for about 30 minutes, tightly wrap with plastic wrap on counter. (You can refrigerate up to 2 days)

Flatten the dough with a flour coated rolling pin until thin. Cut into strips with knife or use pasta machine. Coat pasta strips with flour and hang dry.

I used my laundry room drying rack, but you can dry on a counter on top of a tea towel.

Cook in boiling water for 3 minutes.


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