Pick Your Own.....Strawberries!

Earlier this month my children and I were able to pick strawberries from a nearby local favorite farm. This is a great way to teach your children where our food comes from. I also like to ask on the way to the farm how they think the fruit or vegetables grow. Does it grow in a tree? Underground?

Its fun to hear their answers and you may be surprised what you hear. You can also discuss ideas on how to use the produce, wash and prepare it.

If you have time to plan ahead, read books relating to that produce item and get the kids familiar. Are you going to pick or grown Okra? Find a book on it and the kids will get excited and be familiar with this possible new food.

Along with the tradition on going to as many You Pick farms as possible, we have discovered a great company I learned about on Instagram, Veggie Buds Club. They send you a new vegetable that is featured each month with a variety of ways to learn about the featured Veggie: Craft, Recipe, Grow, Read, Badge/Stickers, Learn. It gets them excited to learn and eat the veggie!

If you are near New Market, Alabama. Visit Browns Farm HERE

I wrote an article about our experience, tips and recipes here: https://www.rocketcitymom.com/strawberry-picking-huntsville-alabama/




The Dirty Dozen & The Clean 15