Welcome to Rocket City Dietitian


I am a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, Mom of 2 Young Children, Type 1 Diabetes Spouse and big time Foodie living in Huntsville, Alabama (The Rocket City).

We love to explore our city, finding new places and things to eat is what I thrive on. This website is a culmination of local restaurants, foodie finds, nutrition, children activities and diabetes advocacy.

Check out my latest posts below!

Want to see what I’m up to?! I currently am most active on my Instagram and Facebook pages! #rocketcitydietitian @rocketcitydietitian

Want to contact me about featuring your product/restaurant on my social media pages? Send me a message and lets collaborate!

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who is the rocket city dietitian?

A foodie by heart and a Registered Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator by trade.

I believe if you respect food, it will respect you!



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Ancient Proverb

When diet is wrong,
medicine is of no use.
when diet is right,
medicine is of no need.

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